Docks & Wood Restoration
Owning a dock means taking on the responsibility of keeping your deck in a safe condition. Since the most common problems are dirt buildup or the surface becoming slippery, occasional cleaning is necessary. Any wood that comes in contact with saltwater is at some point going to show signs of rot and decay. If taken care of early, this can be a relatively easy fix. Rust is another common issue if your dock uses a combination of wood and metal.
For pressure treated lumber, tropical hardwoods, recycled plastic lumber, or recycled composite material, the easiest & fastest method to clean is also to use a power washer. We believe it's important to have your dock taken care of professionally, as you could run into issues if you're not using the correct pressure.
Contact us today for more information or to set up a free estimate - and remember to check out all of our Residential services. We'll get you more clean for less green!