Residential Services
House Washing
Keeping the exterior of your home clean will help preserve its charm and can reduce future repair costs. If your home is clean, it’s less likely to suffer damage typical of natural wear-and-tear.
Roof Cleaning
Over time, your roof and shingles will become stained and even overgrown with algae and moss buildup. You may think that a complete roof replacement is necessary, however, sometimes a good cleaning can restore your roof to a like-new appearance and can prevent the necessity of installing a brand new roof.
Gutter Cleaning
The importance of keeping your gutters clean cannot be overstated, as they are a vital part of your home's architecture. Gutters that are not properly cleaned end up getting clogged, which causes issues with your home's drainage capabilities and can cause issues elsewhere in your home's exterior.
Concrete Cleaning
Always beneath our feet and often forgotten, concrete walkways and driveways are quick to soak up mineral stains, sprout mold and mildew build ups and develop tree sap marks.
Deck & Fence Cleaning
One of the most popular power washing services we can offer is deck cleaning, and rightfully so. Regular power washing can prevent wood rot and add untold years to your deck’s lifespan.
Pool & Patio Cleaning
Your patio and deck are some of the most high-traffic areas of your home, and also some of the wettest. Pool cleaners and chemicals seep into the wood and stain your deck over long periods of time, as well as dirt, algae, and calcium deposits around your patio and other hard surfaces.
Window Cleaning
Keeping streak-free windows is often a difficult and time-consuming task, and if you have multiple stories to your home, it can be dangerous as well.
Docks & Wood Restoration
Owning a dock means taking on the responsibility of keeping your deck in a safe condition. Since the most common problems are dirt buildup or the surface becoming slippery, occasional cleaning is necessary.
Rust Removal
Have an irrigation system? J&J Power Washing now provides irrigation rust removal services! Even the best well-based irrigation systems can produce stains on walls, driveways, sidewalks, and even plants and shrubs.